if [ -f /tmp/skip-only-enable-connectable-sta-mode-wifi-interface ] ; then logger -s -t fqrouter skip-only-enable-connectable-sta-mode-wifi-interface found return fiif [ "remove" == "$ACTION" -a "wlan0" == "$INTERFACE" ] ; then
/etc/init.d/disable_sta_mode_wifi_interfaces start fi if [ "add" == "$ACTION" -a "wlan0" == "$INTERFACE" ] ; then logger -s -t fqrouter try to bring up sta mode wifi interface sta-mode-wifi-interface-up & fi ——————————————————————————————————————————————————-
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.commonSTART=19 # just before network start
disable_sta_mode_wifi_interface() {
local section=”$1″ config_get mode $section ‘mode’ config_get ssid $section ‘ssid’ if [ sta == $mode ] ; then logger -s -t fqrouter disable sta mode wifi interface $ssid uci_set wireless $section disabled 1 fi }start() {
config_load ‘wireless’ config_foreach disable_sta_mode_wifi_interface ‘wifi-iface’ uci_commit logger -s -t fqrouter all sta mode wifi interfaces disabled } ————————————————————————————————————————————————–
#!/usr/bin/lua require ‘uci’ require ‘dumper’ require ‘nixio’local pid_file = io.open(‘/tmp/sta-mode-wifi-interface-up.pid’, ‘r’)
if pid_file ~= nil then local that_pid = pid_file:read(‘*a’) io.close(pid_file) os.execute(‘logger -s -t fqrouter sta-mode-wifi-interface-up that pid is: ‘ .. that_pid) local cmdline_file = io.open(‘/proc/’ .. that_pid .. ‘/cmdline’, ‘r’) if cmdline_file ~= nil then io.close(cmdline_file) os.execute(‘logger -s -t fqrouter sta-mode-wifi-interface-up found another instance ‘ .. that_pid) os.exit() end end local this_pid = nixio.getpid() os.execute(‘echo -n ‘ .. this_pid .. ‘ > /tmp/sta-mode-wifi-interface-up.pid’) os.execute(‘logger -s -t fqrouter sta-mode-wifi-interface-up.pid: ‘ .. this_pid) x = uci.cursor() function exit_if_sta_mode_wifi_interface_enabled(section) if ‘sta’ == section.mode and ’0′ == section.disabled then os.execute(‘logger -s -t fqrouter std mod wifi interface ‘ .. section.ssid .. ‘ already enabled’) os.exit() end end x:foreach(‘wireless’, ‘wifi-iface’, exit_if_sta_mode_wifi_interface_enabled) os.execute(‘logger -s -t fqrouter no sta mode wifi interface enabled’)function is_interface_up(ifname)
local f = assert(io.popen(‘ifconfig ‘..ifname, ‘r’)) local output = assert(f:read(‘*a’)) return output:find(‘RUNNING’) end for count=1,10 do if is_interface_up(‘wlan0′) then break end os.execute(‘sleep 1′) end if not is_interface_up(‘wlan0′) then os.execute(‘logger -s -t fqrouter wlan0 not up in given time’) os.exit() end os.execute(‘logger -s -t fqrouter wlan0 is up’)local ssid_list = {}
local ssid_present = {} for i = 1, 3 do local iw = require’luci.sys’.wifi.getiwinfo(‘radio0′) for k, v in ipairs(iw.scanlist or {}) do if v.ssid ~= nil and ssid_present[v.ssid] == nil then table.insert(ssid_list, v.ssid) ssid_present[v.ssid] = v end end os.execute(‘logger -s -t fqrouter “ssid list: ‘ .. table.concat(ssid_list, ‘, ‘) .. ‘”‘) end local no_sta_mode_wifi_interface_configured = true function enable_sta_mode_wifi_interface(section) if ‘sta’ == section.mode then no_sta_mode_wifi_interface_configured = false if ssid_present[section.ssid] ~= nil then os.execute(‘logger -s -t fqrouter found ‘ .. section.ssid) x:set(‘wireless’, section['.name'], ‘disabled’, 0) x:commit(‘wireless’) os.execute(‘touch /tmp/skip-only-enable-connectable-sta-mode-wifi-interface’) os.execute(‘wifi up’) os.execute(‘rm /tmp/skip-only-enable-connectable-sta-mode-wifi-interface’) os.execute(‘sleep 10′) if is_interface_up(‘wlan0-1′) then os.execute(‘rm /tmp/upstream-status’) else os.execute(‘echo “UPSTREAM_TIMEOUT” > /tmp/upstream-status’) os.execute(‘logger -s -t fqrouter sta mode wifi interface not up in given time’) x:set(‘wireless’, section['.name'], ‘disabled’, 1) x:commit(‘wireless’) os.execute(‘touch /tmp/skip-only-enable-connectable-sta-mode-wifi-interface’) os.execute(‘wifi down’) os.execute(‘wifi up’) os.execute(‘rm /tmp/skip-only-enable-connectable-sta-mode-wifi-interface’) end os.exit() end end end x = uci.cursor() x:foreach(‘wireless’, ‘wifi-iface’, enable_sta_mode_wifi_interface) if no_sta_mode_wifi_interface_configured then os.execute(‘echo “UPSTREAM_NOT_CONFIGURED” > /tmp/upstream-status’) os.execute(‘logger -s -t fqrouter no sta mode wifi interface configured’) else os.execute(‘echo “UPSTREAM_NOT_AVAILABLE” > /tmp/upstream-status’) os.execute(‘logger -s -t fqrouter no sta mode wifi interface available’) end ——————————————————————————————–